2022 homeowner tax rebate credit (HTRC)

Note: The homeowner tax rebate credit was a one-year program which ended in 2022. The credit is not available for future years. If you have questions about the program or received a letter regarding your 2022 payment, see:


To be eligible for a homeowner tax rebate credit in 2022, you must have:

Note: You did not need to calculate your income to receive the homeowner tax rebate credit. We calculated income for eligibility purposes, and we issued the credit based on that determination.

Homeowner tax rebate credit amounts

The amount of your rebate credit was dependent on:

To help homeowners estimate the amount of the credit they would receive, we published a credit lookup.

To understand how we calculated your credit amount, choose which type of homeowner you were in 2022:

For homeowners outside of New York City

If you received the Enhanced STAR exemption or credit in 2022, your homeowner tax rebate credit was 66% of the Enhanced STAR exemption savings regardless of your income.

If you received the Basic STAR exemption or credit in 2022, your credit amount was a certain percentage (determined by your income) of the Basic STAR exemption savings.

To find the amount of the 2021 STAR exemption savings:

  1. Select your county from the list on Compare STAR credit and exemption savings amounts.
  2. Locate the row with your municipality and school district in the first two columns.
  3. In that row, find the amount of your Enhanced STAR exemption savings or Basic STAR exemption savings (whichever applies to you).
  4. Use that amount to estimate your Homeowner tax rebate credit using the table below.
Percentage of Basic STAR exemption savings according to income
If your 2020 income was your homeowner tax rebate credit was this percentage of the 2021 STAR exemption savings for your community
$0 to $75,000 163%
$75,000.01 to $150,000 115%
$150,000.01 to $200,000 66%
$200,000.01 to $250,000 18%

For homeowners within New York City

If you received the Enhanced STAR exemption or credit, your homeowner tax rebate credit was 110% of the Enhanced STAR exemption savings regardless of your income.

If you received the Basic STAR exemption or credit, your credit amount was a certain percentage (determined by your income) of the Basic STAR exemption savings.

To find the amount of the 2021 STAR exemption savings:

  1. Select your county from the list on Compare STAR credit and exemption savings amounts.
  2. Locate the row with your municipality and school district in the first two columns.
  3. In that row, find the amount of your Enhanced STAR exemption savings or Basic STAR exemption savings (whichever applies to you).
  4. Use that amount to estimate your Homeowner tax rebate credit using the table below.
Percentage of Basic STAR exemption savings according to income
If your 2020 Income was your homeowner tax rebate credit was this percentage of the 2021 STAR exemption savings for your community*
$0 to $75,000 125%
$75,000.01 to $150,000 115%
$150,000.01 to $200,000 105%
$200,000.01 to $250,000 100%


The amount of your homeowner tax rebate credit could not be more than the amount of your net school tax liability for the 2022–2023 school year after taking into account your 2022 STAR benefit. For example:

By law, the Tax Department could not issue a homeowner tax rebate credit for less than $100.

Definition of income for the homeowner tax rebate credit

For the homeowner tax rebate credit, income was defined as federal adjusted gross income (FAGI) from two years prior (tax year 2020), modified so that:

Frequently asked questions

I haven’t received my homeowner tax rebate credit (HTRC) check.

I'm not sure I received a check. Can I look it up somewhere?

Yes. Use our Property Tax Credit Lookup to verify if you received a check.

Why didn’t I receive a check?

If you did not receive an HTRC check, it’s likely for one of the following reasons:

I received my check, and I have questions

How was my HTRC check calculated? How do I know the amount is correct?

Use the HTRC Check Lookup to find the amount of your check.

To understand how your credit was calculated and verify the amount of your check yourself, see Homeowner tax rebate credit amounts.

My homeowner tax rebate check was issued in the wrong name. What do I do?

If you purchased your primary residence before July 1, 2015

Return the check so we can reissue it in the correct name. Please include a brief explanation and proof that you own the property.

Some examples of proof include: