California Divorce Guide

California Divorce Guide

Just like every marriage is different, couples seeking a divorce in California will encounter a unique set of circumstances to formally end their relationship. Divorce is not easy, and you will encounter financial, social and emotional challenges along the way, even if you are ready and motivated to go through the process.

To help ease your stress and concerns, you need to arm yourself with good information to help you better understand what you are about to go through. That’s the purpose of this guide which will help you understand many of the common issues that come up about getting a divorce in California.

Because every divorce is unique, it’s impossible to answer every question you might have. You should seek additional information from a variety of places, including attorneys, online resources, from friends and relatives who have gone through a divorce, and others who will be able to help get you through this difficult time.

But to start, here are many of the things that are common in a majority of divorce situations in California.

The differences between divorce, annulment and legal separation

divorce, annulment and legal separation

In California, married couples can end their marriages in three possible ways. Each of these has their own special requirements and rules, and a good basic understanding of these options is a good place for you to start.

Legal Separation. When a marriage is no longer working and one spouse moves out of the home, couples may consider themselves separated. While this is physically the case, they are not legally separated, and there is a big difference between the two.

A legal separation must be granted by the courts, just like a divorce. Custody, asset division, and support issues are worked out. And this eases the bond of marriage without totally severing it. The couple remains married, but in a much more relaxed and distant way.

It should be noted that legal separation does not always lead to divorce. In fact, it may be a much-needed time out that allows two people to try and resolve their issues in a less intense environment.

Stepping away can often times bring added perspective about what a couple will lose in a marriage and possibly give them time to heal from the issues that caused their marriage to come under stress.

There are financial benefits as well, such as being able to keep health insurance, or by continuing to file as a married couple on tax returns. Also, when a couple is legally separated, each person is responsible for their own financial decisions and is not responsible for those that the other person makes.

If a person is not a U.S. citizen, and they get a divorce, they run the risk of deportation. But with a legal separation, a noncitizen can still stay in the country even if they don’t live with their spouse.

Annulment. When a couple is granted an annulment, their marriage is considered null and void. Basically, this means that both people can move forward with their lives as if their marriage never happened.

Some people choose this option for religious reasons. For example, the Roman Catholic Church does not recognize divorces and an annulment is the only officially sanctioned way to end a marriage. In some cases, when a Catholic person gets a divorce, they may be denied certain religious rights, and any future marriages will not be recognized because in the eyes of the church, that person will still be considered to be married.

In California, annulments may be granted for several reasons. Those can include incest, bigamy, being under 18 when the marriage took place, a former spouse resurfaces after missing for more than five years, unsound minds by one or both spouses (either because they are cognitively disabled or were married under the influence of excessive drugs or alcohol), fraud (to obtain a green card, a concealed pregnancy, concealing a serious criminal record, etc.), or being forced or coerced into marriage against a person’s will.

Divorce. Divorce in California is permanent and straightforward in that a couple only need to cite irreconcilable differences to end their marriage.

Assuming all requirements are met, the couple will divide assets, resolve child custody and support issues, and other related concerns, and ultimately have the courts agree to issue a final decree that permanently and legally separates the couple.

What are the grounds for divorce in California?

When it comes to divorce, California is a “no-fault” state.

This means that the person filing for divorce does not need to prove that the other party did anything wrong. They only need to cite “irreconcilable differences” as the grounds without going into any further details.

Irreconcilable differences means that the marriage has broken down and is not able to be repaired or salvaged. This simplifies the process versus those states that have fault-based divorces, where one spouse can claim adultery, cruelty, desertion or other reasons for seeking a divorce.

In a fault state, the reason for the divorce may impact how marital property or alimony issues are handled.

The only other grounds for divorce in California is incurable insanity. This requires proof, including medical or psychiatric testimony that at the time the divorce petition was filed the spouse was insane and will remain incurably insane.

What kind of divorce is right for you?

Options for Getting a Divorce

Deciding which type of divorce is right for you is the single-most important decision you’ll make during the divorce process (other than deciding to get a divorce in the first place).

There are only two ways that you reach a final resolution in California:

  1. You and your spouse agree
  2. A judge decides

The type of divorce sets the frameworks for how you get to a final resolution. The process you and your spouse choose sets the tone and shapes the outcome of your divorce.

It’s incredibly important to remember that there is no “best” option here. Each type of divorce has it’s own benefits and weaknesses, and it’s up to you to decide which kind will best suit your needs.

Here are the types of divorce:

Learn More: I’ve really just scratched the surface on the types of divorce. For a deep dive into the pros and cons of these options, be sure to check out our guide on the types of divorce .

The process of filing for divorce

Process of Getting a Divorce

Although there are many different kinds of divorce in California, the basic process of filing for divorce is pretty much the same no matter type of divorce you choose.

Gather important information.

Being organized while pulling together your information is one of the best things you can do to achieve the best possible outcome in your divorce.

By doing so, you can ensure your rights are protected while also saving time, money and anxiety for the next steps in your divorce.

Before you jump in to collecting financial information, take the following steps:

Okay, now it’s time to start gathering your information. Here’s a short-list of what you need:

This is only a partial list. You can check out the complete divorce document checklist here.

Fill out the paperwork.

Once you have your documentation and know what kind of divorce you will go through, you will need to complete the appropriate forms that you will submit to formally start the process.

If you are working with an attorney, they will assist you with all the aspects of this part of the divorce. You can file papers on your own if your situation dictates, but an attorney will minimize any mistakes, and may save you time and money in the long run.

If you decide to move forward with your divorce by completing forms on your own, then do the best you can in filling out the forms. They will be reviewed by court personnel who will also assist you in making sure they are completed the right way.

What forms you need to complete will be determined by the circumstances of your marriage, but at a minimum, you will need to file the following:

If you have children under age 18 with your spouse or domestic partner, you should complete Form #FL105 which tells the judge who the children have been living with and if any custody orders exist that involve this case.

You may also complete Child Custody and Visiting Application Form #FL-311 which is optional but may help you ensure that you do not leave anything out of your request.

File your documents.

Once your forms have been reviewed and approved, you can officially file them with the court.

If you are initiating the action, you will be known as the Petitioner. If you are the one receiving the forms, you will be known as the Respondent. Unless you can get a fee waiver, you should expect to pay several hundred dollars when you file your paperwork.

How to complete proof of service

After you file your paperwork, you must provide your spouse with a copy of the Petition and a Summons to appear in court. Your spouse will have 30 days to respond to the paperwork.

You cannot give the paperwork directly to your spouse. You must have another adult complete this which is known as “proof of service.” Proof of service can be completed by a process server, a county sheriff or a friend or relative who is at least 18 years old.

California law accepts in-person service, or the service can be completed by mail.

If it is done by mail, then a Notice of Acknowledgement and Receipt (Form #FL-117) must be completed. Service by mail is a good option if your spouse is agreeable to the divorce and wants to expedite the process. Your process server will mail the court papers to the spouse’s home address via certified mail.

Your spouse must complete a Response (Form # FL-120) and the Acknowledgement Receipt (Form #FL-117) and file them with the court.

When your process server has completed delivery of the Summons either in person or by mail, they must sign the Proof of Service of Summons (Form #FL-115), which is then filed with the court. You should file the original in person with the family law clerk at the courthouse and ask for a time-stamped copy to show proof of filing.

Filing for a divorce online

Divorce Online

In California, several companies offer online divorce services.

Costs will vary based on what specific services the vendor offers. Some will help fill out and review forms. Others will provide tutorials as well as provide other related services.

The best online divorce service to check out is 3 Step Divorce. It is an incredibly comprehensible platform that will be able to cover ALL of your online divorce needs.

Our favorite resource for a fast and effective online divorce is: 3 Step Divorce.

3 Step Divorce checks all the boxes that make an online divorce worthwhile.

They aim to make it easy – and they certainly deliver.

From step-by-step instructions to unlimited live support, here are just a few of the reasons why 3 Step is our #1 recommended online divorce resource: