The 11 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letter Templates

In a world where digital marketing dominates, real estate prospecting letters offer a unique opportunity to stand out from the competition. In this article, I’ll provide actionable tips for writing effective real estate letters. I’ll also cover the essential elements of a compelling letter, share some of our best templates from The Close Pro, and discuss whether these letters still work in today’s market. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of real estate prospecting letters and how to use them to generate leads and grow your business.

1. Expired Listing Prospecting Letter

Expired listings can be an excellent source of real estate leads, as these homeowners already want to sell. Most often, the main reason a home doesn’t sell is pricing. The owners might not have listened to their listing agent when they recommended a lower price, or—even better for you—maybe their listing agent wasn’t confident enough to price it correctly in the first place.

The trick to writing real estate letters to potential sellers that persuade these owners to relist their homes is simple. Empathize with their problem and offer a fresh solution to fix it. In this letter, the perspective is shifted away from blame and focuses on a simple, tech-savvy solution:

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As a Realtor of years in the community, I was surprised to see that your home did not sell. It has and that many buyers who call our office are looking for. In fact, I sold to a couple relocating from recently for well above asking. They were in love with the neighborhood, and after my presentation, they also fell in love with the home.

So why did this home sell over asking while yours didn’t? Simple. Most buyers have a hard time imagining themselves living in any new home. Sometimes, we need to nudge them by showing them exactly what a home could look like once renovated.

This is actually a lot easier and more affordable than it sounds. Using state-of-the-art virtual staging tools, my team creates realistic renderings of what your home would look like renovated and decorated to house hunters’ tastes. When buyers see the renderings, their faces light up, and they see the potential in your home.

I would love 10 minutes to show you some of the creative virtual staging and renderings I’ve used to sell other homes in your neighborhood to see if they might work to sell your house for over asking, too.

Text me at the number below to set up a time for a quick, no-pressure Zoom call. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

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2. FSBO Letter

Inevitably, you’ll meet homeowners who say they want to sell on their own. Savvy agents like you understand that these sellers simply want to save money. They don’t truly fathom how much work goes into marketing a home. Your approach to FSBO owners must demonstrate the value you bring to a real estate transaction. Use one of our best FSBO scripts to master the conversation. Offering free, actionable, hard-won advice on marketing their homes is an excellent way to persuade an FSBO that you are there to help, not sell. And it’s a great way to get a foot in the door and build trust. Here’s a good example:

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I wanted to congratulate you on your success so far in listing your home on your own. Marketing homes is not easy, and I love how you . That’s something that some agents skimp on, so kudos for doing a great job with it.

That said, your can use some work, and I wanted to offer some quick and free advice on improving it.

First, you need to , which you can do by . If you decide to take my advice, I would love to know how it works out.

Of course, as you may be discovering, selling a home is a lot of work, and the trial and error involved can mean a slower sale or even selling for a lower price. I can help you save time and money on that trial and error, and since I have years of experience selling homes in , I’m confident that the price of my commission will be covered by the higher price I can get for your home.

If you’d like to discuss how I can sell your home faster and for a better price, please text me on my cell below.

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3. FRBO Market Research Letter

Not all sellers are created equal. You’ll eventually encounter rental property owners using one or more real estate investment strategies. They look at their property differently than someone who lives in their home; they want to maximize the money they can make from their real estate investment. When you talk with one of these investors, you’ll want to get straight to the point and speak their language. That means telling them immediately that you can get them a better return on their investment than they are now.

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I just came across your rental listing at and wanted to let you know that you could easily double or triple your investment tomorrow by putting your property on the market.

Even in this market, my research shows that homes like yours have increased more than in the last five years. However, trends indicate a slowdown on the horizon due to new developments and regulations that may kill investment values.

If you have a few minutes for a coffee sometime this week, I’d love to show you my research in detail. You might be surprised at what your is worth in today’s market. Or, if you prefer, text me at my cell phone number below and I can send you a free PDF with my analysis.

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The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Marketing Plan (PDF Checklist)

4. Absentee Owner Letter

The struggle for property owners who don’t live in the area is real. It’s not uncommon for a homeowner to move before they can sell or inherit a property in another area they don’t live in. These unexpected landlords practically have to hire someone to manage their rental on their behalf. But you can offer a solution to their long-distance rental woes.

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As you undoubtedly know, owning property that is far away from you can be challenging. Problems tend to become magnified by distance and often lead to anxiety and frustration.

Despite current market conditions, my brokerage is selling property at a brisk pace. I believe that we can sell your in at an attractive price.

In fact, we would be happy to prepare a comparative market analysis to show you what you might expect to receive from a sale in the present market without obligation to you. Text or call me at my cell phone below if you would like more information about what we can do for you.

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5. New Agent Announcement Letter

There are so many different real estate prospecting approaches, especially when you’re just starting out. Announcing your new career as a real estate agent to friends and family on Facebook is a great way to build your sphere of influence. The problem is that your post is too easy to ignore. On the other hand, a heartfelt real estate farming letter isn’t. Most people in your sphere will be impressed that you actually took the time and effort to send a letter. That alone makes it worth it.

Real estate coach Sean Moudry’s sphere letter below is an excellent example of a real estate farming letter. Hit your strengths as a new agent, and remind them they have you as an insider in the real estate industry.

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If you’re anything like me, chances are you’re only reading this letter out of sheer curiosity. After all, why would someone go through the trouble of writing a letter in ? What could possibly be so important that Facebook, Instagram, email, texting, and LinkedIn just aren’t good enough?

Why did I go the extra mile here? Simple. Big changes lead to big opportunities. Let’s start with the changes: Last month, after in , I proudly joined , one of the most respected and talented in .

Now for the opportunities. Here are some of the potential benefits of having a personal real estate insider in that you might not have thought of:

Integrity: I will answer any real estate questions you have with complete transparency and honesty.

Access: I can hunt down information on any property you’re curious about whenever you need it.

Accountability: Since we are personally connected, I have a financial and social obligation to work harder for you than any other agent in . But I don’t want you to hire me just because we are personally connected. I plan to earn your business.

If you have a few minutes this week, I would love to buy you a cup of coffee at to talk about the market and how I can help you achieve your real estate goals this quarter, this year, and for many years to come.

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6. Referral Request

Referrals are a real estate agent’s honeypot and typically provide the largest pool of prospects they can tap into. When you reach out to your sphere of influence, you connect with people who already know, like and trust you, so you don’t have to spend time convincing them how awesome you are. Reach out directly and ask them if they know anyone who might need your services. It’s also a great way to remind them you’re their friendly neighborhood real estate pro.

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I hope this letter finds you well. Can you believe how fast time is flying by? It feels like just yesterday we .

I’ve been up to some exciting things in the real estate world, helping people find their dream homes and make wise real estate investments. It got me thinking—who do I know who might be looking to make a move or invest in property? And, of course, you came to mind.

I’m not asking you to pack up and move (unless you secretly want to), but if you happen to know anyone—friends, family, co-workers, or even your neighbor—who’s thinking about buying or selling real estate, I’d be super grateful for the heads up.

Word of mouth is powerful in this business, and I know that if you recommend someone, they must be amazing. If there’s anyone you think could benefit from my real estate prowess, just drop me a line. A simple “Hey, my friend might be interested—I’ll connect you guys!” would be pure gold.

And, of course, if you ever want to chat about real estate, life, or anything in between, my door (or phone) is always open. Catching up would be fantastic. I’ll buy the coffee!

Thanks for being awesome, . Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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7. Local Business Prospecting Letter

Entrepreneurs and businesses can become great allies in your community. Show entrepreneurs that you’re a valuable asset by aligning your services with their business objectives. Engage with genuine curiosity about their businesses and a willingness to provide meaningful support. Focus on building long-term symbiotic relationships rather than seeking transactional opportunities.

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I just wanted to let you know that my team and I are thoroughly impressed with how your company has grown and become such an essential fixture in . Building a brand that people actually care about isn’t easy, and wouldn’t be as fun without .

That’s why I’m reaching out today. My brand has been working on creating engaging experiences for prospective homeowners at open houses. I am averaging people per open house.

All of them are interested in buying a home in , and a warm welcome with your would be an excellent way to introduce them to the community. Adding your services would be an excellent way to welcome our open house guests and allow you to show off your .

What day this week works for a quick call—or better yet, a meeting over coffee at ?

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8. Divorce Prospecting Letter

Since transactions after a divorce are often stressful, they may not be the best choice for newer agents. The sellers in divorce transactions will register high on the emotional scale and will take a lot of patience and grace to complete. The truth is they need someone to get them through the process, but the key players in this situation will require a delicate, empathetic, diplomatic approach. If you’re an experienced agent ready for the challenge, here is a letter you can use to get divorce leads.

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Buying or selling a home in is hard. Add in the stress and confusion of a divorce, and it becomes 10 times harder. Hire a real estate agent who has never worked with clients who are getting divorced before, and it becomes 20 times harder. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

Throughout my years working as an agent in , I have helped many clients smoothly navigate the tricky process of buying and selling homes after a divorce. Many of them have said that after their families, friends, and attorneys, they valued my help most of all. I’ve included testimonials from former clients at the end of this letter.

My years of experience can help de-stress buying or selling after a divorce. Here are a few things I’ve learned over the years to help close real estate transactions after a divorce with as little stress as possible:

If you would like to talk over your options for buying and selling real estate or just need some quick advice, you can text me 24/7 at .

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9. Probate Prospecting Letter

Like divorce transactions, probate listings come with so much stress and red tape that we generally don’t recommend them for new agents. While it’s true that probate listings tend to sell quickly, dealing with grieving families and lawyers takes patience and a few years of experience. If you’ve done your homework and feel ready to take on the challenge, here is a letter offering empathy and showing off your agent skills.

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I am writing to you to offer my condolences for your recent loss. I did not know personally, but having been through this myself, I know how surreal and stressful it can be to navigate the labyrinth of lawyers, paperwork, and red tape accompanying the grieving process.

I know it’s a small consolation, but I would like to help you alleviate some or all of that stress so you can focus on remembering . I have been an active Realtor in for years. As you can see from the testimonials attached to this letter, I have extensive experience selling homes quickly, and without the stress of hard-sell negotiating with deal-hungry investors or endless open houses that most Realtors use to find clients for themselves rather than to sell your home.

My promise to you is that I will never waste your time, and will only act in your best interests—always. If you would like to talk about next steps, please don’t hesitate to send me a text or call me on my cell below.

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10. Preforeclosure Prospecting Letter

Preforeclosure letters are not easy to write. But in a challenging situation, your letter and services just might help someone out of a tricky financial crisis when they most need it. The key to converting these leads is empathizing with their situation and remaining optimistic and realistic. Here is a sample letter you can use:

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I know you’re probably tired of getting letters in the mail about your home, but I am writing to offer you something most are not: hope. I won’t insult you and pretend this situation is easy, or that I have the perfect solution to save your home. Instead, I am offering two simple things: empathy and options.

Empathy: I know this might not sound sincere from someone you don’t know yet, but I have helped many people in your exact situation get through this process with the least amount of stress possible. I will be your advocate, both legally and as a person with sensitivity and experience.

Options: There are many ways to get through this process quickly and with the least amount of pain. A short sale—which will allow you to avoid foreclosure and rebuild your credit faster—is an option that many of my former clients chose as the best solution. I have extensive experience with the short-sale process and can be a staunch advocate for your best interests. But I’m happy to walk you through other choices if you’re interested.

If you have five minutes and an open mind, please call or text me at my cell number below to chat. I know it might not seem like it now, but this too shall pass. Hopefully, I can make it easier for you.

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11. Open House Follow-up Prospecting Letter

Obviously, you want to circle prospect before an open house. But if you want to make a more personal connection with your open house guests, a quick letter—or better yet, a handwritten card—will have an excellent return on investment. Just remember to keep it light, short, and friendly. Here is an example of a real estate letter you can use for inspiration:

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I just wanted to send you a quick note to personally thank you for coming to my open house at . It is always a pleasure to meet new people in . I am passionate about serving and I genuinely believe that even small connections at events like my open house build stronger communities. Chocolate chip cookies certainly help!

If you ever need advice about this crazy real estate market or just want to grab a coffee sometime, please don’t hesitate to call or text me at my cell number below.

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Prospecting Letter Templates

Like what you saw in this article? Download our PDF of 24 letter templates, including the 11 I share in this article, and get ready to boost your lead gen.

7 Tips to Write Real Estate Prospecting Letters

As you can tell from the wide variety of prospecting letter samples above, there are as many ways to write a prospecting letter as there are agents in your area. Drawing from my years of experience in copywriting, I spent years warming up leads and reaching out to prospects with real estate letters. To help you craft your unique prospecting letter templates, I’ve compiled this list of best practices designed to improve your response rate.

Copywriting is all about being persuasive and encouraging your readers to take action. The right words can make the difference between a letter that generates leads and one that ends up in the trash. Keep these key points in mind when crafting your prospecting letters:

Tip 1. Make it personal

Personalize your letter. Use the recipient’s name and adopt a friendly tone. Make your greeting feel warm, like you’re writing a letter to a friend.

Example: Hi, John!

Tip 2. Grab attention

Try using an attention-grabbing lede in your opening paragraph. The goal is to draw your readers in quickly before they toss your letter out with the recycling. When you use a strong hook to get your reader’s attention early in your writing, you’re more likely to draw them into your story and keep them interested.

Example: Are you leaving $80,000 on the table?

Example: Imagine waking up in the home of your dreams every morning.

Tip 3. Make a connection

Once your reader is hooked and interested in what you have to say, it’s time to make a meaningful connection. You do that by pointing out a challenge your reader is most likely facing and empathizing with their situation. Let them know you understand where they are and how they feel.

Example: I understand how challenging the current market is and how it must be weighing on your decision.

Tip 4. Give your unique value proposition

Now that you’ve made a meaningful connection with your prospect, it’s time to set yourself apart from your competitors. Share what you do that makes you a better choice than any other agent. What do you provide to your clients that other agents don’t?

Example: When you work with me, you’ll get an empathetic ear, a caring touch, my years of probate expertise, and the professionalism to see your transaction through smoothly.

Tip 5. Provide the solution

You’ve introduced yourself, made a meaningful connection, showed empathy for their current situation, and shared what sets you apart from the competition. Now, it’s time to present the solution to the prospect’s problem. In case you’re wondering what the solution is, it’s hiring you.

Example: Let me simplify your home sale, ensuring you get the highest price for your home in the least amount of time.

Tip 6. Include a call to action

Now that you’ve convinced them that you are the solution to their real estate needs, tell them what you want them to do next. This doesn’t have to be sleazy or pushy. Make it simple. Just give them some direction on how to get in touch with you so they can hire you.

Example: Send me a text or call me at the number below to get things started.

7. Finish like a champ

Be sure to thank them for reading your letter and considering you for their real estate needs. It’s courteous, and you want to end on a positive note. Also, don’t forget to include all of your contact information under your signature. You might want to include your website (especially if they can find testimonials there) if they want to learn more about you.

Example: Thank you for taking the time to read this and for allowing me to present my value. I hope you’ll consider working with me to get your home sold.


What are real estate prospecting letters?

Real estate prospecting letters are targeted, personalized letters sent to prospects within a specific geographic area or a particular demographic, such as absentee owners or expired listings. These letters aim to capture prospects’ attention and persuade them to work with you by highlighting your unique value proposition and demonstrating your expertise in the local market.

Do real estate prospecting letters work?

In my personal experience, real estate letters can be an effective lead generation tool when done right. In today’s digital world, a well-crafted letter can stand out and make a lasting impression on potential clients. However, success depends on targeting the right audience, crafting a compelling message, providing value, and following up consistently with a solid lead nurturing campaign.

While prospecting letters can be powerful, they work best as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes other tactics like social media, email campaigns, and networking events. Combining targeted letters with a diverse marketing approach can maximize your results.

Why are real estate prospecting letters effective?

A well-written, targeted letter will set you apart from your competition in a tech-saturated marketplace. Real estate prospecting letters remain effective because they:

By combining the personal touch of a well-crafted letter with strategic targeting, prospecting letters can be a powerful tool for generating leads and growing your business in a crowded digital landscape.

Over to You

Have a unique real estate prospecting letter that converts well for you? Let us know about it in the comment section.