Planning and Urban Design

What is a site plan?
A site plan is a document that shows the existing and proposed condition of a site. This plan will include the entire property drawn to scale, with the location and dimensions of all property lines, any existing and/or proposed structures, and any proposed work to the exterior of buildings.

When is a site plan required?
A site plan is only needed for projects that are industrial, commercial, or multi-family residential in nature. Multi-family projects are those with three or more residential units per lot. Projects that are residential in nature with two or fewer units per lot have a separate process for review that doesn’t involve a site plan.

There are six separate occurrences that trigger a site plan:

Please contact planning staff to see if a site plan will be required and if your proposal will trigger full site compliance.

How do I get started?
Schedule a virtual pre-application meeting to discuss your proposal, determine if a site plan will be required, and receive a summary of your next steps from multiple City departments. Apply for the pre-application meeting on our Customer Self Service online portal here.

Does a Professional Engineer or Architect have to be involved in my design?
Yes, all site plans will need to be stamped by a professional engineer, architect, or similar design professional to receive approval. Landscape plans must be stamped by an architect, landscape architect, or certified nurseryman.

What is needed for a full site plan submittal? What does the site plan review process look like?
Refer to the “Site Plan Requirements” document for a non-exhaustive list. Additional items may be required per staff review.

For more details on the site plan review process after the pre-application meeting, refer to the “Site Plan Process” document.

For Forms and Documents pertaining to Site Plan Review, please click here.

What about my building and construction permits? When can I apply for those?
You can apply for your permits at any point of the site plan review process. Please note that if a site plan is required, these permits will not be approved until your site plan has been approved.

Any other questions? Contact our site review team at